Reading around the World

My Poetry Journey started with “Die Wolken” (from German: “the clouds”), my first German poem. Ever since then my writing adventures have never stopped and I have carried on meeting good hearts all over the world that constantly supported me to achieve my dream for launching my book “Schönheit des Herzens” (from German: “Beauty of the Heart”).

Henceforward, this «Poetry Tour» aims to celebrate my success story. To thank all beautiful hearts I have met and those I am certainly going to meet – these beautiful minds who adore every single inch within and beyond the world of poetry.

This «Poetry Tour» is all about reminding you how closer we are and remain in the sense of Humanity First. So, let us gather and hear the deepness in you, discover your dreams, beautiful thoughts, mysterious lives, and learn a few more lines about each other.

Let us catch your heart’s music…

Hmm what about some soul whispers?!

With Love,

Lubna Al BalushiFor Invitation and Event Reading,

please email


Heart to Heart Reading

Lubna Al Balushi Poetry Tour, Oman, and Switzerland

A delightful poetry evening featuring multilingual Omani poet Lubna Al Balushi and women guests from Switzerland to Oman, presented by Sonja Müller Lang, Women Travel, Switzerland